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Sunday, March 20, 2011

March Provident LIving

A sweet friend of mine and I have been asked to share a 2 minute tidbit on provident living each 2nd Sunday in Relief Society. So, I'm thinking that the Lord really has a sense of humor or really knows what he's doing because if you were to ask me to state one thing about myself "provident living" would NOT be at the top of the list. So...perhaps this is something that the Lord wants me to figure out and is making me do it by helping others. After all, isn't this when we really find ourselves...when we are helping others.

 So...we started with the basics this month.

1. DAILY EXPENSE TRACKING:  For ONE month write down everything you spend. EVERYTHING...every last penny, nickel, and dime. Don't change your spending habits yet. You will want a true picture of your habits and if you change it now you won't get that. Also, writing everything down will make you very aware of your spending.The tracking daliy expenses sheet is a sheet that each person in the family that spends money she keep up to date daily. Then at night use the budget chart to total up and keep track of the whole households daily expense.

2. ROLES: Determine the roles of financial responsibility in your home. What is your role and what is your spouses? For example, mine is to record daily expenses and balance the checkbook. Steven's is to pay the bills bimonthly when the paychecks come in. 

I also wanted to share this bill and payment checklist that I saw online, that someone was trying to sell for like $10. I recreated it and thought I'd share.

On an end note, we must remember that what we have is not our money, but God's money. We are asked to be stewards of God's money.

As Dave Ramsey says..." What can you do with your money when your out of debt? WHAT EVER YOU WANT TO!"

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